Reflections on Travel - Somewhere over the Pacific

What is it about travel that inspires so many? It’s not always the destination that captivates, but the act of journeying itself — the movement from one place to another, the passage through time and space. 

The journey itself becomes a kind of liminal space, a brief pause where time stretches and contracts in odd ways. It’s a rare moment in modern life where the world slows down, where the usual demands of daily existence—emails, texts, notifications—fall away.

The journey itself becomes an act of exploration — not just of the landscapes ahead, but of the inner terrain of who I am, who I’ve been, and who I am becoming.

There’s something profoundly freeing in this space of possibility. As the clouds pass by and the hours unfold, I have no obligations but to think, to dream, to prepare myself for what comes next. For me, travel is as much about the spaces in between as it is about the places you visit.